Friday, November 13, 2009

Phi Theta Kappa Highway Clean-Up

There is a highway clean-up scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday the 14th, from 9 in the morning to 1 in the afternoon. We need at least two members to come in order for this service project to be recognised. If you plan on coming, please be at the Wentachee K-Mart parking lot (by Food Pavilion) at 9:00 AM SHARP!! We will hand out safety vests and hard hats to the participants and there will be a sheet to sign from DOT, providing us with medical insurance if anyone gets hurt. At (or before) 9:30, we will carpool out to our section of Highway 97A, just outside of Orondo. If the weather is snowy, the clean-up will be cancelled. If not, we have a two-mile section of road to clean by1:00 so the more people the faster we can get this done! At 1:00, we will head back to K-Mart. This is a great oppurtunity for Phi Theta Kappa members to show that we care for the community and also to participate in a service project which can go on your resume. We hope to see you at K-Mart at 9:00 tomorrow!!